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Queensland Cancer Quality Index

The Cancer Index is a first for Queensland. It has been developed for public and private cancer services. It highlights areas for improvement and identifies areas where cancer services are performing well and it will allow the community and government to track Queensland's progress delivering safe, quality cancer care.

The Cancer Index has been developed by the Queensland Cancer Control Safety and Quality Partnership (The Partnership). This second release includes not only surgical outcomes but indicators for Multidisciplinary team (MDT) review, radiotherapy and intravenous systemic therapy.

The Cancer Index highlights areas for improvement and identifies where cancer services are performing well.

  • Cancer survival in Queensland compares favourably with the rest of Australia.
  • Queensland mortality rates after cancer surgery are among the best in the world. Mortality after cancer surgery is decreasing.
  • MDT review has significantly increased for all cancer patients in 2010-2014
  • More rural women and disadvantaged Queenslanders waited longer for cancer surgery. These differences need further exploration.




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