Godfather of data and chief MDT enthusiast
Travelling at the speed of light
Warehouse wrangler and social committee vice president
Adapting to Australian life...minus the vegemite
Biostatistician and trivia repository
Caretaker of the information super-highway
Once tried to teach his golden retriever the basics of survival analysis
Kiwi surfer surviving on GYG and Caramello Koalas
Directionally challenged-known to frequently jump on incorrect bus
Data detective and indecisive social planner
Data wrangler and R language lover
Chronic over thinker and true crime enthusiast
Data wizard who does precision guesswork
Happiness ambassador and provider of sunshine
Balancing deadlines, dumbbells, and dessert
Animal whisperer on a quest to rescue Schrodinger’s poor tormented cat
Noisy computer programmer and quiet runner
Customer happiness and Roar fanatic
Collating and cleansing clinical data
Curious learner, passionate about exploring new places, meeting new faces
Pack leader and moonlighting dog trainer
Runs the buffer in stylish socks
Sprouting coder and crochet hobbyist
Number cruncher and data enthusiast
Data guru and social committee president
An old dog learning new tricks
Crafty Coder and Minion Maniac
Queen of melanoma and dog lover
Clinical coder refining the content
Administration and Hostess with the Mostess
One time slam poetry champion, systems thinker and quality assurance whiz
Human lawn dart in recovery (no bike accidents since 2017)
Master of all trades and prolific baker
Front end development and design guy
A giant in the land of SQL
Excel wizard and serial fidgeter
Scrutinizer and Master of avoiding photos (except this one)
King of SQL and high speed driver
Stand up dashboard architect
Fuels her code with the rich taste of coffee, one cup and one line of code at a time
Source code sorcerer and sensational socialite
Collector of data and rescuer of greyhounds
Happy Camper and Staging Enthusiast
Yorkshire Dashboard Developer
Data enthusiast and science fiction movie buff
Raconteur and Chief Skeptic