+61 7 3176 4400 Level 1, B2 2 Burke St Woolloongabba Qld 4102 Australia

Personal cancer information held in our data sources can be requested about:

  • Yourself
  • About someone other than yourself, such as a relative or patient
  • About someone other than yourself who cannot provide consent because they are deceased or incapacitated
  • Correct inaccurate information about myself.

How to request my personal information or information about someone else?

To apply for access to, or to amend your information contact us

Individuals can apply for access to documents held by the Queensland Government under the Right to Information Act 2009 (QLD)(RTI Act) and the Information Privacy Act 2009 (QLD)(IP Act). These allow individuals to apply for access without consent.

Approval and release of data

By law, Cancer Alliance Queensland can only release your personal information with your consent and in the case where a person cannot consent a Right to information application must be submitted and approved. Once permission is granted, the information requested will be provided.