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Rapid Fire Session

Brisbane Cancer Conference 2022 - Using BIG DATA to improve cancer care for all Queenslanders

Producer: Cancer Alliance Queensland

Date: 29-Nov-2022

Meet the Partnership

Brisbane Cancer Conference 2022 - Using BIG DATA to improve cancer care for all Queenslanders

Producer: Cancer Alliance Queensland

Date: 29-Nov-2022

Introduction to Cancer Alliance Queensland

Short presentation overviewing how CAQ functions

Presenter: Neal Rawson

Producer: Cancer Alliance Queensland

Date: 25-Nov-2021

Live QOOL MDT in action!

Queensland is a large state, geographically diverse, with cancer services concentrated in the south east corner. QOOL enables cancer clinicians access to cancer data and is a communication platform to assist patients throughout the state, in public and private facilities, receive excellent care.

Presenter: Jeremy Long

Producer: Cancer Alliance Queensland

Date: 12-Nov-2020

Bridging the geographic divide for myeloid leukaemia - a statewide system accessible to everyone  

This myeloid leukaemia MDT showcases the benefits of collecting structured data and providing a real-world example of recording consumable genomics information.

Presenter: Kirk Morris

Producer: Cancer Alliance Queensland

Date: 12-Nov-2020

Build your own QOOL Project

QOOL Projects improves patient outcomes by providing a platform for researchers and clinicians in Queensland to fill important clinical information gaps.

Presenter: Benjamin Chua

Producer: Cancer Alliance Queensland

Date: 12-Nov-2020

QOOL dash - Tracking my Lung cancer MDT performance

The QOOL-Dash is a valuable tool in the kit of Queensland cancer MDT, allowing teams to monitor patient outcomes and compare with state-wide benchmarks established in Queensland’s existing quality and safety reporting framework.

Presenter: Bryan Chan

Producer: Cancer Alliance Queensland

Date: 12-Nov-2020

Transforming digital data into cancer care practice: implementation science in action

We take a deep dive into the Queensland Oncology Repository (a data lake) to uncover extensive data resources and insights of practical value to cancer care services, highlighting where the health system is performing well and identifying areas for improvement.

Presenter: Shoni Philpot

Producer: Cancer Alliance Queensland

Date: 11-Nov-2020

Natural language processing: a novel approach to determine recurrence for five common cancers

Utilising natural language processing of administrative and clinical data, Cancer Alliance Queensland in partnership with the CSIRO has developed a methodology for the collection of recurrence information for the 5 most common cancers.

Presenter: Danica Cossio

Producer: Cancer Alliance Queensland

Date: 11-Nov-2020

Utilising big data to inform the management of AYA cancer in Queensland

AYA cancer patients often fall between two systems, paediatric and adult centres, adding to the complexity of coordinating treatment. The Queensland Youth Cancer Service has utilised big data to inform and improve the management of AYA cancer across the state.

Presenter: Rick Walker

Producer: Cancer Alliance Queensland

Date: 11-Nov-2020

Performing well & room for improvement: spotlight on colon guideline concordant care

Cancer Alliance Queensland reporting spans the continuum, from initial symptom presentation, to treatment including surgery, chemotherapy and XRT, through to follow up and psychosocial care. This allows us to monitor whether Queenslanders with colon cancer are receiving care according to optimal care pathways.

Presenter: Euan Walpole

Producer: Cancer Alliance Queensland

Date: 11-Nov-2020

Deriving stage at diagnosis from multiple population-based sources: Non-small cell lung cancer in Queensland

Population lung cancer TNM staging data have long been beyond the reach of cancer studies in Australia. Here we show it is possible to derive stage using repository-based rules and administrative and clinical cancer data.

Presenter: Morgan Windsor

Producer: Cancer Alliance Queensland

Date: 06-Nov-2020