+61 7 3176 4400 Level 1, B2 2 Burke St Woolloongabba Qld 4102 Australia

Please contact us for a training session. We can come to you, or conduct training via Teams. We are also available for Helpdesk support via phone or email.

Search for a patient

Search for an existing patient by first name, surname, UR (e.g., UR12345), date/year of birth (1/1/1956 or just 1956), or a combination of criteria. Using surname and year of birth yields the most accurate results.

For example:

Add a patient

Please keep the following information in mind:
It's unlikely that you will need to add a new patient because if a patient has visited any health facility in Queensland, they will be in QOOL, regardless of whether they have a cancer diagnosis or not. If not found on search add them by selecting "create new patient." To create a new patient, you need will need the patient’s name, date of birth, and sex at birth. 

Create a MDT service

Go to Search Service, then Create New Service. Follow the prompts, specifying the MDT name, facility and focus, the service administrator (usually the MDT Coordinator) and start date. You can also customise datasets and meeting frequency. 

Refer a patient to a MDT

Once you find your patient in QOOL, select refer.

Follow the prompts, adding as much info as possible. Then select save and then finish.

If you are the MDT Coordinator, or a service administrator, the patient will be automatically added to the patient list. If not, the MDT Coordinator or service administrator will have to accept the referral. You will get an email confirming when this has happened.

Run the event

When your patients are referred and you are ready to enter MDT data and outcomes, select Start Event and then Edit Mode. Scroll through the patients, entering diagnostic data, recording presentation notes, and adding the MDT's recommendations. You can also enter Action Items generated from the meeting.

Manage event

Select Manage Event if you need to:

  • Change the time, location or Chair for a particular meeting date, or update teleconference details
  • Record attendees from the drop-down list (note – clinicians will only appear in the drop-down list for selection if they have a QOOL account)
  • Record visitors to the MDT
  • Set up email communications for a particular meeting date – agenda, health care provider letter or MDM summary
  • Reorder your patient list. The default is alphabetical.

Manage service

Select Manage Service if you need to: 

  • Make any changes to the MDT as a whole
  • Add or remove dates
  • Add or remove datasets, or change the order in which they appear
  • Set up regular email communications and edit recipients list
  • Document formatting – add barcodes and change font size
  • Select Facility UR preferences (which Facility’s URs to appear on your MDT documents)
  • Move all patients from one MDT date (event) to another.

Manage users

Select Manage Users if you need to: 

  • Accept a request to join your MDT
  • Grant access to your MDT for an existing QOOL user

My account

Go to My Account to request access to other MDTs or update your contact details.


The following reports can be run from your home screen:

  • Agenda and Simple Agenda – the formatting is different so use which one suits the needs of your MDT
  • MDM summary– this is a summary of the patient discussion, their diagnosis, clinical history, treatment to date and recommendations of the MDT
  • Health Care Provider letter– this is designed to send back to the referring doctor after the MDT
  • Incomplete Minimum Dataset– quick view of the MDT data against generic minimum dataset perimeters (address, performance status, diagnosis date, primary site, morphology, stage and treatment plan.
  • MDM Attendees– list of attendees at each MDT. This is entered via the Manage Event page (see above)
  • MDT Action Item– list of action items generated from this MDT – these are entered via Start Event

The AgendaMDM Summary and Health Care Provider letter can all be run via the Reports tab. This gives the user the option to download in PDF or Word. If the user downloads the document in Word, it can be edited further.


MDT data in real time, bench marked against published, state-wide clinical indicators.

QOOL Dash visually transforms QOOL MDT data into easy-to-digest MDT metrics and clinical indicators which are cross-referenced to population-wide reports published by Cancer Alliance Queensland. With a nightly refresh, the data is current within 24 hours of entry, making it easier for cancer teams to make data-driven decisions.

Clinical indicators across multiple cancer types examining:

  • Treatment timeliness
  • Neoadjuvant and adjuvant systemic therapy/radiotherapy
  • Surgical rates
  • Survival
  • Mortality

Identified patient data is available for export for further quality and safety audit and research.

Access to QOOL Dash is based on your secure QOOL login and allows you to review MDT’s which you are a member of.

QOOL Indicators

Look at your MDT data against key indicators for the following cancers (more coming soon), measuring your MDT alongside the HHS and Queensland figures. 

  • Breast
  • Colorectal
  • Lung
  • Youth Cancer