+61 7 3176 4400 Level 1, B2 2 Burke St Woolloongabba Qld 4102 Australia

QOOL is a customisable clinical cancer application with data from over 60 sources. It supports routine data capture, patient-focused information sharing, and data analysis for quality, safety, and research in cancer care.

How does QOOL support cancer teams?

Multidisciplinary Teams

QOOL is a web-based system which supports cancer multidisciplinary teams by assisting meeting preparation, communication and documentation of essential clinical information such as diagnosis, cancer stage and recommended treatment plans. QOOL provides a centralised platform of patient data for multiple users, accessible anywhere, anytime.

Care Coordination

QOOL supports cancer care coordination by providing a module for referrals to care coordinators, psychosocial and clinical care coordination of patients, communication between facilities and data collection for the monitoring of care coordination.


QOOL provides a project module which supports clinicians with data collection for research and quality activities. QOOL allows researchers to make use of centralised data from Queensland Oncology Repository (QOR) and provides pre-populated patient data.  The module assists with management of patients within projects and purpose built data extraction is available.

What does QOOL do?

QOOL has everything you need for your MDT. It's web-based and easy to use!

Patient care

  • Find any patient in QOOL. Anyone who has accessed a health facility in Queensland will be found here
  • View patient's cancer history, including diagnoses, treatment and MDT presentations
  • View integrated and imported data from other facilities - diagnostic data (Queensland Cancer Registry), cancer-related pathology reports, cancer treatment data (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone treatments), demographic data and death data. QOOL has the infrastructure to match and link patients from over 60 data sources. No other system in Australia has such an extensive set of cancer data in the one place. 
  • View patient records anytime and anyplace 
  • Record clinical trial details
  • Cancer Care Coordinator module to record patient's episodes of care and support services history
  • Specific geriatric and youth cancer datasets
  • Refer patients to other MDTs or CCC services 

Data collection

  • Standardised and customisable datasets. Choose what information your MDT wants to collect, and which order to collect it in
  • Easily retrievable data using customisable reports, as well as built in analysis
  • Built in audit reports to track data completion
  • Linked to International Classification of Diseases coding manual (ICD), as well as International Classification of Diseases for Oncology (ICD-O)
  • Extensive tumour genetics, hereditary genetics, genomics and molecular sequencing modules
  • Track MDT activity using QOOL-Dash
  • Help desk - contact QCCAT for more detailed data requirements, analysis and requests. We have a team well versed in the research ethics process. We are also available for training and general assistance


  • Register of attendance at MDT for clinicians and visitors
  • Direct communication with GPs and referring doctors
  • Generate agendas, reports and letters which can be sent out automatically

QOOL in Queensland

There are now over 326,000 people affected by cancer with a QOOL record

QOOL has many cancer specific datasets including:

  • bone & soft tissue
  • brain/CNS
  • breast
  • colorectal
  • gastrointestinal
  • geriatric
  • gynaecological
  • haematological
  • head & neck
  • hepatobiliary
  • lung
  • melanoma & skin
  • neuroendocrine
  • pancreas
  • prostate
  • myeloid neoplasms
  • testicular
  • thyroid
  • upper GI
  • urological

QOOL Support

MDT coordinators are available for QOOL support within your local facility. QCCAT are also available to provide ongoing training and support. Please contact us for assistance, training, and any clinical questions regarding data collection.