The Partnership operates as a gazetted Quality Assurance Committee (QAC). This allows the Partnership to facilitate the participation of clinicians and administrators responsible for the management and delivery of cancer services, in the peer review of the safety and quality of cancer services and service improvement.
The QAC gazettal allows the Partnership to access identifiable information and use it to better understand the safety and quality of the care services delivered across Queensland. This data is collected in accordance with the quality assurance guidelines under Part 6, Division 1 of theĀ Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011. The data can only be used to fulfil the functions of The Partnership in accordance with the Terms of Reference, therefore there is no data request process available.
For a full list of publicly available reports, view our Publications andĀ reports.
We do not disclose information we collect about persons or organisations to anyone outside the Cancer Alliance Queensland unless authorised to do so under the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011 (HHB Act). Access to data is only available to be released under legislation and specifically tailored to address data request questions. It is an offence to disclose confidential information about a person unless one of the exceptions in Part 7 of the HHB Act applies.