+61 7 3176 4400 Level 1, B2 2 Burke St Woolloongabba Qld 4102 Australia

The Partnership was established in 2004 with a single goal; clinician led service improvement. Our priority is to provide clinicians with clear process and outcome evaluations of cancer care so they can improve services.  The Partnership is a gazetted quality assurance committee under section 82 of the Hospital and Health Boards Act (2011)(Gazetted 10 December 2004).  This legislation allows The Partnership to access identifiable information and use it to better understand the safety and effectiveness of the cancer care delivered across Queensland.

The Partnership subcommittees

These subcommittees are established under the auspices of The Partnership and membership includes representation from public and private sectors and urban, regional and remote areas of Queensland. The subcommittee working groups are most commonly formed around clinical or cancer streams.

All subcommittee members are formally invited by the Chair of the Partnership and are identified as relevant persons of the Partnership under sections 81 to 92 (Quality Assurance) of the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011. Relevant persons are required to sign a privacy and confidentiality statement and declare any conflict of interest.

If you are interested in joining a subcommittee to meet with other clinicians and have a robust debate about how to improve outcomes then contact us.

Head and Neck
Liver and Pancreas
Non Melanoma Skin Cancer
Radiation Oncology
Systemic Therapy
Upper GI
Youth Cancer
Catherine Bettington
Radiation Oncologist

Kimberley Budgen
Radiation Oncologist

Mark Pinkham
Radiation Oncologist/Chair

Robert Campbell
Director of Paediatric Neurosurgery

Suzanne Poulgrain
Medical Oncologist

Zarnie Lwin
Medical Oncologist